Environmental policy
Etm4u's environmental work is an integral part of the business operations and we want the same from our supply chains. The purpose of the guidelines for environmental policy is to describe Etm4u's work with environmental matters and the company's impact on the environment.
Etm4u's environmental policy shows that we express a desire to take our share of the responsibility by paying attention to the environment and contributing to sustainable development. The environmental work must be carried out within the framework of the company's business concept and must be integrated into the operation of the business. Through a high level of competence among the employees and by constantly developing the company's knowledge of environmental impact, we can get a holistic view of the environmental problems. Suppliers, products and services are chosen that have the least impact on the environment as long as this is technically possible, economically reasonable and environmentally justified. An attitude where the circulation and economization of natural resources will be an important basis for Etm4u's business activities. By using efficient transport solutions and high-quality products and services, we help to reduce the amount of resources and energy we use. By meeting or exceeding the requirements of environmental laws and regulations, Etm4u will stimulate each link in its chain by making continuous improvements to prevent and reduce pollution and other negative impact on the environment.
Social and environmental standards will be given weight when choosing new suppliers.
Organization and distribution of responsibilities
The main responsibility for the environmental work lies with the management of Etm4u. At the same time, each employee has their individual responsibility for ensuring that the environmental work is carried out in the best possible way. All employees of Etm4u are responsible for keeping up to date with the most recently revised policy.
Requirements for conditions in the supply chain
Etm4u' environmental policy guidelines are based on excerpts from internationally recognized UN and ILO conventions and specify minimum and not maximum standards. The legislation at the place of production must be respected. Where national laws and regulations cover the same subject as these guidelines, the highest standard shall apply.
ILO - International Labor Organization
Health, environment and safety (ILO Convention No. 155 and Recommendation No. 164)
Efforts must be made to ensure workers a safe and healthy working environment. Hazardous chemicals and other substances must be handled properly. Necessary measures must be taken to prevent and minimize accidents and health damage as a result of, or related to, conditions at the workplace.
Workers must have regular and documented training in health and safety. Health and safety training must be repeated for newly employed and redeployed workers.
Workers must have access to clean sanitary facilities and clean drinking water. If relevant, the employer must also provide access to facilities for the safe storage of food.
If the employer offers accommodation, this must be clean, safe, adequately ventilated and with access to clean sanitary facilities and clean drinking water.
Measures to reduce negative effects on health and the environment throughout the value chain must be carried out through minimizing emissions, promoting efficient and sustainable resource use, including energy and water and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions in production and transport. The local environment at the production site must not be exploited or damaged by pollution.
National and international environmental legislation and regulations must be complied with and relevant emission permits must be obtained.